dance assistant Dani smiling

Get To Know Ms. Dani

Level 1 Instructor

What is your education background? 
I am currently a high school student at Blaine High School, and I am also a PSEO student at the University of Northwestern.

What are your dance & teaching backgrounds? 
I started assisting in Jam Hops dance classes 2 years ago before moving on to start teaching in 2022, when I also began coaching Camptastic. Now I am also a birthday party coach! I am really proud to say this is my job and have been giving my all I can to it. I recently received Employee of the Month at Jam Hops, and struggle to convey how much that means to me.

What do you love most about teaching dance at Jam Hops?
I adore being able to watch the growth of my students and seeing them build their own passion for it along the way. Some of my proudest moments as a teacher have come when kids tell me they are practicing our lessons at home; that means I can share just a little bit of the enjoyment I feel towards dancing with somebody else. What a great feeling!

Who is someone that inspires you, and why? 
I can’t imagine a person who’s inspired me more than my dance teacher Erin Antilla. She has always done her best to make everyone feel supported and welcome in her life. She takes each student under her wing, helping them to grow while still living her busy personal life, upholding a modeling career, and judging dances in different cities across the U.S. She is a role model I strive to be like. When she makes mistakes (we all do), she works to fix them in any way possible. I always want to make people feel just as welcomed in my presence as she does for me and others.

What is your favorite snack food?
I really like acai bowls. They’re refreshing and can brighten anyone's day with their sweet melody of flavors.